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Why Does a Broken Mirror Bring 7 Years of Bad Luck?


Superstitions are customs passed down through generations and are provocative in representing cultural beliefs. Probably the most common superstition is that breaking a mirror will bring a person seven years of bad luck. The belief has been around for centuries and has traditionally been recognized by many cultures.

But from whence did this come, and why specifically seven years? In this article, we’ll look into the very origins of this superstition—the significance of the number seven and several ways people have tried to reverse the supposed bad luck.


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Key Takeaways

  1. Breaking a mirror is purportedly seven years of misfortune, made from beliefs that are very ancient, especially from the Romans who really thought that mirrors somehow connected with the soul.
  2. The number seven has special meaning in many cultures and is thought to represent a cycle of change and renewal. Hence, its impact on what was thought to be a length of time—one Gregorian year times seven—a broken mirror’s bad fortune would last.
  3. People of different cultures look at mirrors as a magical or spiritual thing; breaking it serves to break one’s spiritual integrity.
  4. A number of rituals said to undo the broken mirror’s bad luck include spinning counterclockwise and burying the broken pieces of the mirror.

Is Breaking a Mirror Bad Luck?

People believe in the statement that breaking a mirror means misfortune due to roots from old beliefs. The mirror has been taken as not only a thing showing reflection but at times is leading to the soul or changes in one’s fate.

The ancient Romans thought that the reflection in a mirror holds a part of a person’s soul. When a mirror is broken, it was thought that one might also damage one’s soul, inviting misfortune.

This is not unique to the Romans, for most cultures in every part of the world consider mirrors to be magical or spiritual. 1, 3

The Origins of the Broken Mirror Superstition

This superstition about broken mirrors really originates in Roman times. Early mirrors were made out of polished metals, and the Romans viewed a mirror as one which could reveal not just a person’s image but also a glimpse of his soul. Thus, breaking a mirror was dangerous because it would harm one’s soul and disturb a person’s spiritual integrity. 3, 4

Besides, the Romans believed that a mirror allowed the gods to observe matters on earth and that any break would result in pieces that could trap a part of an individual’s soul. This further instilled the belief in breaking a mirror with an added sense of dread. 2

Over time—more precisely, the more time elapsed—this superstition spread to involve various cultures, each adding different twists and meanings.

Why Seven Years of Bad Luck?

The number seven carries important meaning in many cultures; it is often associated with change and renewal in cycles. Ancient Romans believed that the human body and the soul took seven years to regenerate. Therefore, if a mirror broke, it would take seven years for the soul to get back and be fully healed from the damage.

But for instance, the seven-year cycle manifests in the natural world around us. Yet many beliefs hold that the human body undergoes major overhauls every seven years, both physically and spiritually. To so many cultures, seven is a powerful, mystical number usually representative of wholeness or completeness. 1, 4

What Happens If You Accidentally Crack a Mirror?

Breaking a mirror instills in people a sense of dread—as the superstition goes. Even in these modern times, some people feel anxious or anticipate that a streak of bad luck shall follow in the wake of its aftermath. This kind of thinking causes increased sensitivity where people may align any common mishap with the broken mirror.

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy at times: individuals begin to give more attention to unfavorable events and perceive them as signs of bad luck due to the broken mirror. 3

Ways to Reverse Bad Luck Caused by a Broken Mirror

Throughout history, there have been a variety of rituals created to counteract this bad luck caused by breaking a mirror. Here are several of the most prevalent:

1. Proper Disposal

One common remedy involves carefully collecting the shattered glass shards. Some believe that taking those shards and grinding them into dust cancels out the bad luck of this event. This means the destruction of the mirror’s grip on the soul of the individual. 1, 2

2. Spinning Counterclockwise

Others say that one has to turn counterclockwise three times in order to reverse the bad fortune. This is said to confuse any evil spirits or energies that may have been released after breaking the mirror. 1

3. Throwing Salt

Salt has been used in a great many cultures for a very long period of time as a method of purification and protection. Immediately following the breaking of a mirror, many have also thrown salt over their shoulder to ward off bad luck. This is believed to neutralize any bad energy which may be connected with the broken mirror. 2, 4

4. Burying Fragments

Burying the Fragments Or, more symbolically, one buries the pieces of the broken mirror under the shade of a tree on the night of a full moon. This is believed to return the bad luck to nature and free the person from the lingering misfortune. 2, 4

Final Thoughts

From the ancient traditions to modern times, it was believed that a broken mirror is a promise of seven years of bad luck; many consider this to be a superstition but an interesting look at how humankind has tried over the centuries to explain and manage misfortune.

Whether one believes in it or not, knowing the cultural and historical development of this superstition gives one a better appreciation of the interpretation our ancestors had with the world around them. Not to mention, for those who do believe, there are plenty of rituals available to turn that bad luck around!

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